Superannuation is important when planning for your future. There are so many types of super contributions and payments, that it’s sometimes confusing and hard to know what each of them are. One part that people often don’t understand is reportable superannuation contributions. Let’s take a look at what you should know… What are reportable superannuation […]
Your Tax and Finances: Money Tips | Budget and Savings | Superannuation | Rental Income
Australian Superannuation Guide
Everything you need to know about superannuation, from the basics of how funds work, extra payments, tax deductions & keeping them on track.
What are the maximum super contribution and tax rates?
When you know the super contribution limits and rates – and the different ways to add money to your super – you can boost your annual tax refund and save painlessly for your retirement. A healthy superannuation fund is an important part of planning for your retirement. Putting extra money into your superannuation is a great investment in your future. […]
How to Claim Personal Super Contributions Tax
Invest in your future by adding money to your superannuation AND score some savings at tax time. Sounds great, right? Let’s cover how to claim your personal super contribution tax on your next return. Most Australians know that super is money for retirement. What’s less well known is: What is Super Contributions Tax? A personal […]
Low Income Super Tax Offset
If you’re a low-income earner, saving for your retirement can feel daunting. Fortunately, the Australian Government have some programs to help you prepare, including the Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO). What does the Low Income Super Tax Offset program offer? The Low Income Super Tax Offset is a government program to help low-income earners […]
Worried about job security? Up-skill to protect yourself!
Up-skilling to protect your existing job seems tough, but in recent years it’s become the norm across many industries. Plenty of jobs that used to be common just don’t exist anymore. When was the last time you saw a milkman doing the rounds? (Or, have you ever seen a milkman?) The flipside is that change […]
Getting Married and Taxes: What you need to know for your next tax return
Marriage is an exciting and joyful time, but when it comes tax and your spouse, it’s also a source of confusion amongst taxpayers in Australia. At Etax, prospective newlyweds often ask us about the tax implications of getting married. Often, they want to know whether a joint tax return is needed when their relationship status […]
APRA Super-fund or a Self-Manged Super Fund?
Choosing the Right Super Option for Your Unique Needs Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) are growing in popularity and more Australians are using them to build their retirement funds. But what are SMSFs and, most importantly, are they worth it? We provide you a comparison between the two most popular options, self-managed and APRA-regulated funds, to […]
What is STP or Single Touch Payroll?
What is Single Touch Payroll? Single Touch Payroll (STP) makes payroll reporting far easier for employers. Instead of juggling a raft of paperwork, your boss reports payroll details including super payments, to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on or before each pay day. New payroll software now looks after that. Each time your pay is […]
Death and Taxes – What You Need to Do
Any death in the family is a very difficult time for all involved. Apart from the emotional burden, there are also a range of administrative tasks that need to take place after a bereavement. This death and taxes article covers the main steps family members should take to ensure tax obligations are met. Death […]
$1,700 in Unpaid Super Every Year – Here’s What You Can Do About It
Would it bother you if your weekly or fortnightly pay was consistently 11.5% short? Once you noticed, would you do something about it? If you’re like most Australians, the answer would be a resounding “Yes!”. Here’s the scary part: this is exactly what’s happening to as many as one in three Australians. So, what’s the […]
Find Lost Super – Do you have lost superannuation waiting to be found?
If you find lost super, you could give your retirement a boost. It might even mean you can stop working a bit earlier and enjoy your retirement that much sooner. Millions of Australians have more than one superannuation account (super fund). That can mean paying more fees and getting less growth in your savings, for […]
What do I need to know about Superannuation rules?
Your employer sets aside a portion of your income as superannuation, for you to access when you retire. Strict superannuation rules and mandatory fund contributions have put Australians’ retirement savings ahead of people in many other counties that have no required retirement contributions. Superannuation is fairly straightforward for most of us who earn a wage […]
What’s A Good Superannuation Strategy For Me?
(With links to superannuation strategy how-to guides from Money Magazine and CANSTAR) Whether you’re in your 20’s now, or almost ready to retire: A good superannuation strategy can make the difference between a comfortable retirement and a financial struggle. The Government continues to make changes to how you receive the aged pension in retirement, therefore, […]
How does your superannuation work?
Your superannuation questions answered. Just thinking the word ‘superannuation’ can make your brain spin. There are a lot of rules and limits to keep in mind. So, to answer some of your top superannuation questions, we take a quick look at how your super works. “Are my super contributions tax-deductible?” To learn more about super […]