Let’s cover the most common questions people ask about the online tax return service at Etax.
If you have a question that’s not covered below, please visit the contact us page or email us on [email protected] and we’ll be happy to respond. The Etax team is ready to answer your questions and we want you to be as informed as possible about your tax return.
When can I lodge my 2024 tax return?
Our 2024 tax return is NOW LIVE!
The 2024 Tax Deadline has passed: If you’re yet to lodge you 2024 tax return, it may be overdue. The sooner you lodge the less likely you are to face harsh ATO penalties. We can help you lodge in just a few minutes. Start your 2023-24 tax return today!
When can I lodge my 2023 tax return?
Your 2023 tax return is now overdue:
- You should start your 2023 tax return as soon as possible, to avoid possible late fees.
- Your 2023 tax return is for income that you earned between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.
Why should I do my taxes at Etax?
- Our service is fast, easy and doesn’t require an appointment.
- You can start AND finish your tax return right now on your mobile or computer.
- Service: Your accountant is ready to answer your questions any time – online or over the phone.
- Maximise your refund: A qualified Etax accountant checks your return for extra deductions that can increase your tax refund, before it’s lodged to the ATO.
- Confidence: Consumer surveys show the #1 reason people use a tax agent like Etax is “Confidence my return is done right”. Your Etax accountant can correct mistakes, to prevent delays or ATO trouble.
- Help: At every stage, you have access to online help… with video, plus direct help from real accountants (in Australia) on Live Chat, over the phone or via your secure “My Messages” inbox)
- Helpful tax website with live help and new features based on your suggestions.
- More accurate refund estimate: Enter your details into the Etax online tax return, including TFN, birthdate and occupation. Next, Etax will guide you through your income and deduction tips to help boost your tax refund.
Etax has been Australia’s favourite online tax agent service since 1998. We are committed to high quality and superior service. As an added service for our clients, we offer free tax advice year-round to make your life even easier!
Our qualified accountants have decades of training between them and will help you get the refund you deserve and avoid ATO trouble.
What if I forgot my Etax password?
Click here to reset your password: Password & Login Help
If you prefer, you can also email [email protected] with any questions or ring us on 1300 693 829.
When can I use Etax and get support from the Etax Support Centre?
Support Hours
(All times are AEST – Etax is based in Brisbane, Queensland)
Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday to Sunday: Closed
You can access your tax return online, 24 hours, every day at www.etax.com.au!
What is the difference between Etax and the ATO’s myGov or myTax?
Created in 1998, Etax Accountants is a family-owned, registered tax agent and CPA-qualified accounting practice. Etax is a registered trademark owned by Etax Accountants.
As Australia’s favourite online tax return service, Etax is known for being both fast and easy. Etax is focused on getting better tax refunds and making tax easier for everyone. Our aim is to make doing your annual tax return simple, with no worries or uncertainty.
Etax is upgraded and improved every year, along with the excellent service provided by the Etax Accountant and Support Teams.
On the other hand, the ATO’s myGov/myTax system is run by the government. You are completely on your own when it comes to figuring out what to enter and what you can/can’t claim. It can also be confusing and stressful if you get an amended ATO assessment, or if you’re audited/investigated.
That’s why the majority of Australian tax returns are done with a tax agent like Etax – it’s easier when you have an accountant on your side.
For more details and a full comparison, visit this page about the differences between the ATO myGov tax return and Etax.com.au.
Do I have to pay when I lodge my tax return?
No! You can authorise us to take our very reasonable fees from your tax refund when it is issued by the ATO.
To do this, you need to select “Fee from Refund” when you are on the payment method page. Please note, the final amount you receive will be less than our original estimate (after the fees are subtracted from your refund). The Fee From Refund (FFR) service charge is just $27.50; please see below for details of our tax return fees.
How much does a tax return cost at Etax?
Our fees are shown before you sign on the final page of your tax return, together with your tax refund estimate.
Etax fees are tax deductible.
- Etax Returns start from $82.49
- We offer a low-income service from only $44.90*
- Business Tax Returns start at $195.90
- Support is free. Some tax agents charge for help and phone calls, but not Etax.
The optional $27.50 Fee From Refund** service means you lodge your tax return with the help of a qualified accountant with no upfront cost. Our Fee From Refund (FFR) service is popular and convenient.
Etax has very low fees (or no fees) for items that some tax agents charge a lot for…
- Deductions (that help boost your tax refund) – no extra fees. In fact, our accountants will help you find extra deductions – also for free.
- ETP (Employee Termination Payment or redundancy payment) – no extra fees
- CGT (Capital Gains Tax, for claiming investments, shares and Cryptocurrency) – just $49.90
- Rental Property Schedules – just $59.90 each
- Unusual, complex tax returns – FBT or CCR schedules are $49.90 each.
Can my fee change?
Your fee may change if your return is adjusted after you sign and before lodgement, for reasons such as:
- the necessary addition of schedules or other information (e.g. shares, crypto, investments),
- necessary details your accountant collects from the ATO, or
- tax review corrections that change the structure of your return.
Fee adjustments usually only happen if business, ABN or other special income wasn’t mentioned when first completing your return.
Overdue prior-year returns will have slightly higher fees of $129.90, because our accountants need to refer to prior years’ ATO rules and ensure each return is compliant for the year of lodgement. Plus, we will negotiate with the ATO on your behalf if your late return has penalties or taxes owing. Your base fee is always stated on the signing page of your return.
No additional fees are charged for tax agent support, Live Chat, advice, accountant review or fast electronic lodgement of your return.
* Available to low-income Centrelink benefit recipients with no additional income sources and taxpayers under 18 years of age on 30 June of the tax return year (must select Adjustment item A1 in the tax return item selection).
** If the ATO amends or withholds your tax refund, the Fee From Refund (FFR) service charge is not waived because we still incur additional costs administering and following up your return, using qualified staff. However, Etax will never charge a percentage of your tax refund.
What’s special about Etax?
Etax is the quickest, easiest way to lodge your tax return.
- Existing clients see last year’s deduction items, saving you time and helping to avoid missing out on deductions.
- Your Etax return shows common tax deduction items claimed by people with the same job as you, to help you to claim deductions that boost your refund!
- Etax can add ATO data directly into your return so no need to go looking for income income statements and other info like private health statements.
- On screen prompts, help links and videos as you go, so if you get stuck, there’s plenty of help to get you going again.
- Your return saves automatically, you can even switch devices when you’re on the go.
- Friendly support from qualified accountants who are on your side.
- The Etax mobile app for iOS and Android lets you snap and attach receipts and documents to your account. Learn more about the Etax mobile app.
What does prefill or pre-filling mean?
Prefill means we can automatically add information to your return, based on data already sent to the ATO by your employer, bank, health fund and more. This saves you time and helps ensure your tax return is done right.
This means up to 80% less data entry for you! Simply check the pre-filled information is correct and add any other details (such as deductions) – we’ll do the rest.
The ATO knows more about your tax return than you realise. By tapping into this information, Etax can save you time hunting for details, plus help prevent audits and other troubles later. We’ll help you to lodge a return that meets the ATO’s strict new requirements.
Is Etax safe and secure?
Yes. Etax is certified for ISO 27001 which means we are audited by security and privacy experts every year.
Also, Etax holds an SSL security certificate. This ensures that your tax return is electronically encrypted using the most secure, stable technology.
To put it more simply, we use online security measures like your online banking service does.
For more information please visit our security and privacy page and online safety tips.
Not sure? You can also use an independent security check tool such as SSLShopper.com to check our security credentials.
How do I calculate my tax refund estimate?
As you enter your details into the Etax online tax return, it shows you an accurate tax refund estimate right up the top. As you enter more info, the estimate becomes more accurate.
Need a super-quick estimate right now? Visit our online tax refund calculator.
How do I know if my return was successfully lodged?
You can check the date and time of your lodgement by logging into your return and selecting ‘My Status’ at any time. Our online tax system works in a similar manner to an online bank account: You can log on anytime and view actions on your return, fees due, the status of your return and any other relevant information.
What services and support are included?
Payment to Etax Accountants for your tax return includes:
- A comprehensive review of your return by a CPA qualified accounting practice. Our system and accountants check your return for errors and missing deductions. We make sure that everything is compliant before we lodge it with the ATO. These careful checks minimise any chance of an ATO audit.
- Prompt lodgement: We’ll submit your tax return as soon as you authorise us to do so.
- Fast Refund: An accurate, error-free tax return helps ensure a fast refund. Most of our clients receive their refund in as little as 10 days after we lodge to the ATO (depending on the ATO’s processing time).
- Free Answers: Our professional and highly qualified accountants provide answers to your questions at any time.
- Free tax refund calculator: At any stage of the process, you can view our live tax calculator in the top of your screen for an up-to-date estimate of your tax refund or payable.
- Extension of Time: Our service also includes liaising with the ATO for an extension of lodgement beyond October 31st, if this is what you require.
I don’t have a credit card, is there another option to pay for your service?
Yes. We accept other forms of payment including Visa/Mastercard debit card or our Fee From Refund (FFR) option. More details are available on the payment section once you login to your account.
Can I complete my tax return with Etax Accountants next year, or in the future?
Yes! The Etax online tax return is updated each year to adjust for changes to the taxation system. The details you enter are maintained in our secure database for the following year – meaning that next year your return will be faster and easier.
What will I need to lodge my return at Etax?
To complete your tax return you will need the following:
- Your Tax File Number (TFN)
- Group Certificates/PAYG Summary/Income Statement for all jobs (read below as you likely won’t need to provide this anymore)
- Interest Statements (including bank interest)
- Information about any share dividends
- Details about any other income
- Details of your deductions including work-related expenses or charitable donations
- A summary from any private health policies
- Some basic details about your spouse’s taxable income and taxes
If you are uncertain about any of this information or what you need to include, simply email us on [email protected] or fill in your query on the contact us page.
Where do I find my group certificate or PAYG summary or income statement?
Your employer will automatically provide your group certificate/income statement to the ATO. But the good news is that you don’t have to provide it to us because we can get this information from the ATO for you!
Do I need to physically sign any paperwork before my return can be lodged?
You can digitally sign your return once it’s complete, on the final page in our online tax return. This means there is no need to sign a piece of paper or send a physical copy of your return to Etax.
Do I need to send my Income Statement or PAYG Summary to Etax?
No! As your tax agent, we can access your ATO file on your behalf and get a copy of your Income Statement, along with other information like Bank Interest, Private Health Insurance and Government Payments.
If Etax is your tax agent, you should never need to go to myGov for anything tax related. It’s our job to look after your tax affairs, so you can ask us and we’ll be happy to assist!
Is Etax a CPA certified accounting practice?
Yes! We are a CPA certified accounting firm and one of our qualified accountants will always check your tax return before it is lodged with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). If they require further information, we will contact you via secure messages, email or phone before lodgement. Please note, any information we require from you needs to be in writing, so it’s important you regularly check your email during the tax return process for any communication from us.
How long will it take me to complete my tax return with Etax?
For most of our clients, the tax return at Etax.com.au will only take minutes to complete.
If you have any questions, you can get live help from an accountant, on Live Chat or phone – no appointments needed.
After you add your basic details, a qualified accountant will review your return. They will suggest extra deductions and offsets that may be available to you. The ATO normally processes returns within 10–14 days of lodgement.
Please note: by ‘lodgement’ we refer to when Etax sends your return to the ATO, not when you submit your return to us. Prevent delays by responding to emails and messages from Etax quickly – our accountants may need to clarify some details to help improve your tax refund. Please add [email protected] to your email address book – this helps prevent urgent messages getting lost in your spam filter.
Can I lodge my first tax return with Etax?
Yes. It is easy to lodge your first tax return with us. Please don’t hesitate to ask us tax questions at any stage via Live Chat or My Messages within your return, or email [email protected]. We encourage taxpayers to ask as many questions as possible, so they understand Australian taxes and we are always happy to help.
Do I need to keep a hard copy of my tax records and receipts?
Australian tax law states you must keep your records for 5 years from October 31st. If you lodged late, five years from the date you lodge your return. If, at the end of this period, you are in dispute with the ATO, you must keep you records until any dispute is resolved.
However, if you store your tax records in your tax returns at Etax.com.au – either by using the “attach” buttons or by snapping photos with the mobile app – then you don’t need to keep paper copies. We will store your electronic copies for as long as the ATO requires them.
It is never necessary to print or store your Etax.com.au tax returns and attachments. You can access them online anytime in the future.
Read more about handy tips for record keeping here.
When can I see the tax refund estimate?
After you enter your basic details, register your TFN and income details, you can see your updated tax refund estimate at the top of the tax return screen. Each time you enter a new deduction or additional income into the tax return, the tax calculator will automatically update.
What is a tax payable?
If you have a “tax payable”, it means you owe the ATO money. This could be for a few reasons, but most commonly, that you didn’t pay enough tax throughout the year.
Do I have to send in a hard copy of my return to Etax or the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)?
No. There is no need for you to send a copy to either Etax Accountants or the ATO. As your tax agent, we will send the return to the ATO.
When are tax returns due in Australia?
Please lodge your ATO tax return with Etax Accountants by October 31st each year.
Alternatively, if you have enlisted Etax as your tax agent before October 31st (or if you used Etax last year), the Etax team can request an ATO deadline extension for you.
Why do I have to pay HELP (formerly HECS) in my tax return when I have already paid it during the year from my pay?
Your final HELP debt repayment amount for the financial year cannot be finalised until your income is reported on your income tax return. This is because it is calculated as a percentage of your total income for the year.
Although HELP payments may be taken out of your salary throughout the year, these payments are used as a ‘down-payment’ rather than actually paying off your debt.
The total yearly HELP debt will be compared to the amount taken from your salary when you complete your tax return. This will decide whether you need to pay more or get some back as a refund.
Can I get a same-day tax refund or instant refund?
Your tax refund should only take an average of seven to fourteen days from lodgement until it’s in your bank account. That’s pretty fast.
If you can’t wait that long, there are better ways to get some fast money. Be careful about anyone who’s offering you an “instant refund”, because these promotions usually have hidden fees, interest charges and ‘surprises’ that can cost you lots of money. At Etax, we want to see you avoid that kind of trouble.
If you need your tax refund in a big hurry, we strongly suggest that you should read this page about instant tax refunds.